Talk at Città della Scienza (Napoli) on Technology for Teacher

This is the presentation.

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A Semantic Web Vocabulary Supporting Brainstorming for Research Communities

Our work A Semantic Web Vocabulary Supporting Brainstorming for Research Communities has been accepted at WSKS2011. The abstract of the work is the following:

The e-Brainstorming tools represent plausible solutions to improve the e-research community activities with respect to processes regarding idea generation and idea selection. However, the existing e-Brainstorming systems show methodological and technological limitations. The present work proposes a brainstorming model that aims at overcoming the aforementioned limitations by exploiting Social Web and Semantic Web technologies and practices sustaining on-line social dimen- sion, application interoperability, knowledge representation, knowledge sharing and correlation discovery.

The main results discussed in the paper are twofold: BrainSIOC (extensions to SIOC to support idea generation and selection in brainstorming sessions) and the integration among BrainSIOC, SWRC and other existing schemas to support idea management in research communities.

The following image describes the BrainSIOC schema:

The BrainSIOC vocabulary

The BrainSIOC vocabulary

The following image describes the integration among BrainSIOC, SWRC and other schemas:

Integration of BrainSIOC with SWRC and other existing schemas

Integration of BrainSIOC with SWRC and other existing schemas

Pubblicato in Brainstorming, Collaborative Learning, CSCL, Idea Management, Knowledge Management, Semantic Web, SIOC, Social Web, Web 2.0 | Lascia un commento

Integrating Trust and Competency-based Management

My work “Integrating Trust and Competency-based Management” has been accepted at ICALT2011 – The 11th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies. The work provides the following abstract:

Nowadays, the importance of knowledge manage- ment is well understood by managers in the organizations and, at the same time, the great significance of trust, in enabling effective knowledge sharing, is emerging. Presence or lack of trust can have serious implications for organizations with respect to the quality and of their business processes. Several scientific works have confirmed the direct correlation between social-cognitive capital, in terms of competencies and experiences, and a feeling of trust in both learning and working collaborative environments. On the other hand, Competency-Based Management allows organizations to link human resources processes to competencies in order to shape its workforce capabilities and to achieve better results. Typically, employees’ competencies (and proficiency levels) are stored and used by specific enterprise software, whereas the trust is not considered or left to managers’ feeling. This work proposes an approach to the improvement of collaborative learning activities by refining and allowing (at workers’ level) competency-finding processes through the social calculus of trust-in-competencies degree.

Pubblicato in Collaborative Learning, Competency Management, CSCL, e-Learning, Human Resource Management, Semantic Web, Trust Management | Lascia un commento

Social Semantic Web Fosters Idea Brainstorming

My work “Social Semantic Web Fosters Idea Brainstorming” has been accepted at SASWeb2011 – International Workshop on Semantic Adaptive Social Web in conjunction with UMAP 2011. The work is described by the following abstract:

Generating and identifying promising ideas represent important challenges for any Enterprise that is focused on knowledge-intensive activities. The generation of new ideas, especially high-quality creative ideas, is vital to business success. Brainstorming is a didactic method that can be exploited to sustain the development of high order skills considered fundamental to foster innovation. On the other side, brainstorming sessions produce new ideas that have to be evaluated and possibly selected. In this paper the Social Semantic Web is exploited in order to define an approach for brainstorming that overcomes the limitations of the existing systems supporting groups in generating ideas. The Se- mantic Web-based structures organize, correlate and simplify the search for user-generated contents (e.g. ideas). Meanwhile, user-generated contents are analysed in order to elicit non-asserted correlations between them that are used to enrich the aforementioned structures.

Pubblicato in Brainstorming, Paper, Semantic Web, SIOC, Soft Computing | Lascia un commento

Integrating Trust and Competency-based Management

I have submitted a full paper to ICALT2011 conference. The paper proposes an approach to improve corporate learning processes by integrating Trust and Competency Management. Trust is calculated by exploiting social and probabilistc approaches. Semantic Web tecnologies are exploited in order to model corporate social network, work activities and trust.

Pubblicato in Collaborative Learning, Competency Management, e-Learning, Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Paper, Semantic Web, Social Network, Trust Management | Contrassegnato , , , , | Lascia un commento

Semantic Web for Museum

Interesting Links on my

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Enhancing Context Sensitivity of Geo Web Resources Discovery by Means of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

The paper Enhancing Context Sensitivity of Geo Web Resources Discovery by Means of Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (authors: C. De Maio, G. Fenza, M. Gaeta, V. Loia, F. Orciuoli) has been accepted at the Twenty Third International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems (IEA-AIE 2010), Cordoba, Spain, 1-4 June 2010.

The paper proposes a methodology, based on both Semantic Web and Soft Computing technologies, to provide software tools able to support operations of Emergency Management.

The abstract of the paper is the following: In situations where emergencies have to be handled, it’s vital to provide a vision, shared by all involved actors, on everything happens near the geographic area interested by the emergency and on the avail- ability of resources like hospitals, ambulances, fire fighters, volunteers and so on. This work introduces an approach for the smart discovery of geo-located resources (i.e. people, services, etc.) with respect to specific emergency requirements. The proposed approach is strongly based on the semantic modeling of geo-spatial data, geo-localized services, peo- ple’s skills and geo-positions and on a novel method exploiting Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (FCMs) in order to suitably elicit resource plans ac- cording to the occurred event. Semantic modeling of resources highlights value added in term of support to human resources managers. In the next future the discovery performance will be tested in real conditions.

Pubblicato in Emergency Management, Fuzzy Cognitive Maps, Fuzzy Logic, Paper, Semantic Web, Soft Computing, Web 2.0 | Lascia un commento

SIOC and e-Learning

Few months ago I submitted a research paper (it has been accepted) to SIe-L (e-Learning Italian Society) conference (20-22 October, Milan, Italy) about an approach to improve collaborative e-learning experiences through a tool able to suggest the “expertise level of a learner when he/she is acting, with an assigned role, within the execution of a collaborative script”. The proposed approach is based on the application of Social Network Analysis (SNA) on data tracked during previous collaborative sessions. The SNA algorithms are used to build learners’ profiles also containing behavioral aspects. The SNA can answer to question like: is this learner able to play the moderator role in a specific collaborative learning session?

In order to show my proposal I used IMS-LD as a language to implement collaborative scripts. Two main limitations of IMS-LD have emerged. The first one is the lack of adeguate support for roles, that is very important for collaborative learning experiences. In IMS-LD there is only a sufficient group management mechanism. The second one is the lack of expressiveness of IMS-LD when a collaborative environment has to be built in order to support a collaborative learning activity. In order to overcome the two aforementioned limitations I proposed an original application of SIOC. In fact, SIOC can be used to model the hierarchy of collaborative roles, through subclassing sioc:Role class (the SIOC roles and the IMS-LD groups have to be linked and exploited in sinergy). Furthermore, SIOC can be used to prepare a collaborative environment (users, roles, discussions, tags, etc.). In particular, I think about the use of sioc:ArgumentativeDiscussion that is a specific sub-class of sioc:Forum. I also proposed (in the paper) a way to link IMS-LD and SIOC specifications, but I would like to open a discussion about this proposal.

Pubblicato in Collaborative Learning, CSCL, e-Learning, IMS-LD, Paper, Semantic Web, SIOC, Uncategorized | 1 commento

Semantic Web Fostering Enterprise 2.0

The paper Semantic Web Fostering Enterprise
(authors: N. Capuano, M. Gaeta, F. Orciuoli, P.
Ritrovato) has been published on the proceedings of Complex,
Intelligent and Software Intensive Systems (CISIS-2010)
International Conference (Workshop SWISM 2010) – IEEE Computational
Intelligence Society – Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Cracow College,
Krakow, Poland, February 15-18, 2010. The paper proposes a vision,
based on Semantic Web
technologies, for the modeling of knowledge workers within the
Enterprise 2.0 context.
The abstract of the paper is the
following: The term Enterprise 2.0 applies to the
use of Web 2.0 technologies as a support for business activities
within the organizations. These technologies are exploited to
foster inter-persons collaboration, information exchange and
knowledge sharing, also outside the organization, to establish
relationships based on conversational modalities rather than on
traditional business communication. The vision of Enterprise 2.0
places a high value on the importance of social networks inside and
outside the organization stimulating flexibility, adaptability and
innovation between workers, managers, customers, suppliers and
consultants. The integration between the Web 2.0 tools with
traditional enterprise software, the aggregation of organization
inner data with external data and the choice of adequate knowledge
representations are critical aspects to be faced in order to
further the growth of smart applications in the Enterprise 2.0
context. In this work we propose an approach, based on Semantic Web
techniques, to relax the aforementioned critical

Pubblicato in Enterprise 2.0, Human Resource Management, Knowledge Management, Semantic Web, Social Network, Web 2.0 | Lascia un commento

Exploiting Semantic and Social Technologies for Competency Management

The paper  Exploiting Semantic and Social Technologies for Competency Management (authors: Acampora, M. Gaeta, F. Orciuoli, P. Ritrovato) has been accepted at 10th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), Sousse (Tunisia), July 5-7, 2010.

The paper proposes a solution, based on Semantic Web technologies, to the integration between competency management and e-learning within the enterprise context.

The abstract of the paper is the following: In an enterprise context, competencies are often dispersed across different teams. A specific need within the enterprise could not be satisfied only because of a lack of awareness about real competencies owned by employees. The aforementioned problem involves two main critical aspects: the difficulty to manage employees’ competencies in order to constantly keep them up-to-date and the ability to agilely share employees’ profiles across the organization in order to support competency finding. This work proposes an approach to relax the above critical points by integrating a semantic web-based educational system within a social network system applied to the enterprise context. The integration glue is provided by using and harmonizing several existing upper ontologies also furthering semantic interoperability.

Pubblicato in Competency Management, e-Learning, Paper, Semantic Web, Social Web | Lascia un commento